Growing and gardening in tandem

For the first time I’ve started to contemplate how I can combine having a flower garden with my food growing aspirations.  Before now I’ve sort of separated gardening and growing as two distinct things as I couldn’t imagine how I’d do both...

A way to boost the growing bug

Imagine my delight when my in-laws said we were going garden visiting.  But this was a garden like none other I’ve visited.  This was a garden right up my street.  The perfect place to visit to inspire me for what is to come when we eventually return home to...

Flowers of a special garden: a photo study

It’s always tough to capture the true spirit of a wonderful garden. Should you take wide shots that show the overall design or zoom right in to the plants to capture their beauty close up. Staying with my parents who have a wonderful garden has given me the...

Garden delight despite the rain

Rest easy people this is not more pictures from Shanghai.  This is a tiny corner of thoroughly English Herefordshire although you might be forgiven from the oriental feel to this water feature.  This and many other parts of my parents’ garden have captured my...

How familiar things seem strangely unfamiliar

Things seem familiar but not quite.  Like meeting someone you know from work in an out of work context.  It’s not like seeing things for the first time but rather seeing them from a completely different perspective.  I feel very much like a visitor.  A...