Dank days and sticky mists

I had high hopes for this weekend.  The opportunity to get out and about with the camera.  As it turned out we didn’t get far as I’m still coughing and spluttering that internalised my homing tendencies. The fact it was dark, dank and misty made the...

Another first in the chicken pen

George, my mad rooster, can be relied upon to supervise his harem.  Usually.  He was a bit tardy in his efforts yesterday and once again Chloe was missing when it was bed time last night.  This is not the first time she’s gone missing so I wasn’t too...

How to improve your productivity when you are sick

When I was a kid and ill I always remember spending hours watching the test card on the TV.  In fact, I’m not sure it was compulsory to be ill.   But just to have it on was a sign that the TV would eventually burst into broadcasting life and make my world a...

I give in…….

It takes a lot for me to give up, give in.  But I must. I’ve been suffering a heavy cold since last Thursday and one more sleepless night of coughing and spluttering has left me tired, real tired. See those basset eyes?  That’s what mine look like....

Letting a 1000 flowers bloom

By happy coincidence the sun came out this week at the same time I was able to spend some time in the garden.  Bulb planting has been the priority since they’ve been sitting in the barn waiting for less wet and cold weather. Mason wanted to help – but I...