Tale of two slippers

As the floors get colder this Domestic Executive needs her slippers to keep her tootsies warm and toastie. My preferred slipper is an Acorn Moc, just like the one in the picture. Now Acorn slippers are not just any slipper but famous because they’ve been worn by...

The hill billies are settling in nicely!

Our hill billy chickens are settling in well. It’s only been a few days but each day they seem to get braver and make themselves more at home.Yesterday I caught them preening themselves in the corner making a nice hollow in which to wallow. George our rooster...

The ground is sprouting again

Yesterday the ground started sprouting pink wooden pegs. Or rather they were being bashed in the ground by our landscape designer Jamie. He came up to set out the spots for the trees to be planted.At first I thought this was a job that we could do ourselves but when I...

Book blogging

With all the excitement of chickens, bassets, mice (the headcount is now 6), hedges and other miscellaneous country life I thought it was time to prove that I’m not completely oblivious of things outside of my patch of land.When I’m not blogging I love to...

The hill billies have arrived!

Our new residents have arrived. Four Barred Plymouth Rock chickens – one rooster and three hens. They arrived when I was out at work in town so it was quite a shock to see them huddling in their hill billy shack.I was quick to get them fed and watered (Fortnum...