Playing hooky

There is a myth being spread that being a domestic-executive means that you spend your time lounging around watching DVDs and eating boxes of chocolates. I’d like to find that niche someday but in the meantime I’m frantically working through my to do lists...

Rugby bores

It’s fair to say that there’s been a topic of conversation dominating the media, the office, pubs, clubs and bar……how can it have gone so wrong?After several days of listening to the respective dissections of how the All Blacks played, the...

Houseblogging: a big step forward

The builders have done a bit of a recovery job this week – on the wardrobes which were the wrong size, the tiling and the painting. The painter wins the productivity award this week having got all the ceilings painted, walls and woodwork primed. It’s now...

Oh dear, dear, dear…..

It just wasn’t to be – again. The curse of the Rugby World Cup has hit New Zealand again and we watched the pain as a 13-0 half time advantage ebbed away to a 18-20 loss. How can it be that this could happen – with as many people willing the All...

Houseblogging: I don’t believe it!

This is my first week of being a domestic executive again :o). It should have been a leisurely start after counting down for so long. Not!I started on Monday by turning into Victoria Meldrew. Yes, the female version spouting “I don’t believe it”. Up...