EJ in Wellington

Did I want to be corporate wife and go to see Elton John? Why not, I said. So we did. Us and about 30,000 others at the Cake Tin.It was a strange event on a number of counts. Being corporate wife is not something I do often but pleased that MT is getting the good...

Now don’t tell me there’s no global warming

I was pretty excited about this at the time but things with the house took over blog space and then I forgot to mention it. Sorry about the delay but here’s the evidence that there must be global warming or some other weather phenomena.Icebergs have been...

Countdown to being a domestic executive: 42 weeks to go

Many people think that I’ll not stay the domestic executive course and do a u-turn on my plans and stay in full time work. After a week like I’ve had I can continue to plead my case that I’ve had it will full time corporate executive...

Christmas confusions and panic

It’s starting to get really confusing with Christmas looming.The daylight and climate is just not very christmasy. I was wandering around the supermarket this evening and heard a carol and was temporarily glued to the floor as I tried to reconcile the seasonal...

Countdown to being a domestic executive: 43 weeks to go

Friday night drinks are a bit Wellington thing and this week it was particularly satisfying to be notified by MT over a round of drinks that it was only 20 more working days till Christmas. This news seemed to lighten the mood that was already pretty high because the...