The bassets have been very camera shy of late. It’s not like them to be so coy but who can blame them after we left them behind for 5 weeks whilst we travelled to the other side of the world.  They have most definitely returned to their usual rhythm of life although I find their stubbornness has hardened a little which means they are reaching heights of awkwardness which would turn even the most patient person into a ranting banshee.

Funnily enough as soon as you head into the kitchen or close to the fridge their little halos pop up and they sit looking lovingly and longingly at whatever is going on.  Only returning to a major sulk when they realise that they are not getting any tit-bits or treats.  Fortnum will simply flop on the floor lay on his side and blow out the biggest sign puffing his cheeks out to emphasise his dissatisfaction.  Mason will lie down, chin on floor with furrowed brow and simply dream up new ways and even more annoying ways of grabbing my attention.

Bassets at rest

It’s hard to be cross with them for long.  If I was only fed twice a day I’d be looking for a few snacks to fill the gap. Actually I feed at least three times a day and I’m still looking for snacks so maybe I’m been more cruel and wicked to my bassets than I thought. No, these dogs are not in need of more food.  Not unless they spend more time moving around and that’s like asking a basset hound to have a character transplant.  No, Fortnum’s ambition in life is to find the softest place to lie and stay there as long as he can.


Whereas little basset is more intent on finding the spot that Fortnum most likes to lie and then taking that spot for himself.


There is no doubt that taking a walk is a bassets next favourite pastime as long as it involves finding the longest most unwieldy stick, preferably with lots of leaves or straggly bits, so that they can pick it up together and run with it.  Here they are taking a break in dragging this branch around.    You can never be too careful who might come along and take it away or who may in fact be more interesting than a boring old stick.

Mischief basset style

Eagle eyed bloggers will see that Mason’s tail is up.    Not quite as upright as Fortnum’s but definitely on the mend.  It’s been a shame to see him wandering around like this most of the time.  In fact, even this is more upright than it first was.  Limp as a wet fish.

Bent tail

It hasn’t stopped little basset being his usual lovable self, terrorising his brother, demanding neck rubs or hogging the sofa in the office.  It takes more than a poorly tail to keep little basset down.

Bassets on the run

This is no doubt one of the most cheerful sights I seen this week – two bassets romping in the sunshine.  Admittedly the sunshine has been very short lived and we’re back in the grip of a wet and windy southerly that’s been bringing more snow to parts of New Zealand.  Is this Spring I keep asking myself?  Roll on summer is all I can say as I dig out my thermals once more.