It was a complete state of confusion when I let the chickens out the day the frost came.  They ran out for their breakfast and were shocked to find that their pen had turned into a chiller.  There was much standing on one foot before they all finally relented and headed back to the warmth and comfort of their roost.  Even George languished in his bach rather than brave the elements.

The kind soul I am made sure they had plenty to eat inside and chopped the ice off their water butts.  I’m just relieved that the worst of the chicken moult is over otherwise there would have been a succession of ice blue tails with the absence of feathers.

We’re back down to 7 chickens again right now but I’ve plans for expanding the flock come spring as demand for fresh eggs from the neighbours is outstripping supply and they do so enjoy having the fresh home grown variety.  Noone is that happy to be buying our eggs at the supermarket right now.  Except of course the supermarket!