I took this picture in the Kaitoke Forest today when we were out walking the dogs.  It was growing all tangled up in the trees, a mass of white against the otherwise green trees.  Clearly a symbiotic relationship going on here.

There’s no procrastination in nature.  If it needs something to happen it generally does.  How different this is for humans who procrastinate all the time.  Well I do anyway, do you?

I know from my work coaching others to reach their goals how procrastination can hold them back.  Often there isn’t the motivation achieve or there are too many things in the way making it harder to do than the effort people want to put in.

The lovely, not so intimidating anymore, Debbie over on Virtually Organised has been running a Procrastination Challenge.  It’s a way of people getting on with all those projects they’ve been procrastinating about and for once getting them done and dusted.  Since my list of things still undone, incomplete, part way through or just not started is starting to overflow I thought I should commit to Debbie’s challenge.  Having done that the only problem I needed to solve was which project was I going to cease procrastinating on!

Since Spring has sprung and the garden is bursting into life I thought I should actually get on with finishing the fencing to keep the bassets out of the flower beds.  There are simply too many juicy plants in there for them to enjoy and I am tired of yelling at them to get out all the time.

This is a challenge I’ve been working on since January this year. Oh and also in May.  Can you see a bit of procrastination pattern here?  The truth of it is that my first attempts were just too feeble.  The second attempts were just hard work.  Also, my hammer broke, the supply of posts ran out and the memories of the leg aches were too painful to contemplate.

But here’s the problem that needs to be fixed.



See the little basset ratbag about to attack my Festuca New Zealandia?  See the nicely finished fence on the left from my efforts in July?  Seize the day – or at least the procrastination challenge!





I also finished another large flower bed by the barn but the camera battery gave out on me so you’ll just have to take my word for it!

Phew – I can tell you it’s a great feeling when it’s done.  It looks so much better and I’m sure that the bassets will come to appreciate the importance in time.  It has been a beautiful day today so excellent fencing weather.  MT needs credit too as we worked as a team to crack this fencing job that is 9 months old.  But it’s done and I can now relax. Well, till the next item on the list needs doing!

