Chicken run in the park: a photo study

Caffeine is an essential element of being a coach – they don’t teach you that in training but I find several shots of strong coffee between appointments keeps me alert and on my toes.  The down side of course is that you can potentially overdose. I feared...

Natural tendencies and beauty

Daily postings on this blog may seem a little spasmodic recently. I do compose my daily post but some days it never quite makes it into the blog itself.  I didn’t want you to think I’d gone short on inspiration just the time to capture it. I often wonder...

It’s all noses to the glass

Even bassets can get fed up with rain.  This is a familiar basset pose of late.  Sitting with their nose pressed up against the window hoping that rain would go away.  I know how they feel. It is however the perfect excuse for spending excessive amounts of time in...

The joy of returning home

I felt total relief to see Chloe had returned to the chicken pen this morning.  The wind has been so strong wouldn’t be surprised if she’s had a supersonic flight back.  She spent 3 nights in the bush sitting in her tree as the rain lashed down and the...

Never mind the weather – basset walking still goes on

Wet, wild and wintry weather gives the log burner a magnetic effect. Where else would you want to be than close up to the warmth that is otherwise missing? You can’t stay closeted for ever though – OK you could but that’s when cabin fever sets in. ...