I know I’ve said this already but I do think we’re in for a really hard winter.  The snow is already on the Tararuas, the holly berries are getting redder and more plentiful.  Today I found myself seeing snow on the mountains and holly in the fields, thinking winter.  The contrast with the bluest of blue skies today make their redness more vibrant than ever.   But on Easter Sunday, it was the strangest feeling.

That northern:southern hemisphere perspective still blows my mind sometimes.  Perhaps tomorrow I should make the most of the long holiday weekend and good weather to do a photo shoot to snap my Christmas festive look picture.

But no time for hedgerow photography today there were bassets to walk.


There is no doubt that the bassets enjoy it when MT is at home for longer than normal periods.  They get extra treats and are allowed to snuggle up on the sofa on the pretext of a close interest in premier league football.  Fortnum is usually most pleased and spend much of today’s walk bonding with is man.  Just look at this, Fortnum checking I’m not looking at him strolling with MT.

Fortnum and MT

Here’s MT a little confused why his model basset has disappeared off piste for a lingering sniff.

Fortnum sniffing

It seems Fortnum is still feeling guilty about his attachment with MT.

Fortnum at heal

Or maybe not.  He seems very confident in his growing attachment to his “new” friend.


Now this he is just showing off.  I guess a dog needs his man just like man needs his dog!

Fortnum & friend

Little basset and I aren’t worried.  Mason is up to his usual stop and scratch routine.

Fortnum and Mason

Before he flashes me with his most charming basset face.  I just love his cute little mouth.

Little basset

And the way he leads Fortnum up the steep hills.

Mason in the lead

Fortnum however continues with his usual habits of drinking from the dirtiest puddle he can find.

Fortnum drinking

He’s so gross.  Lovable but gross.

Here are the bassets at the end of a walk in a hot sun.


See that woodpile behind.  It’s starting to go down as we’ve had to light the fire this weekend.  When that sun goes down  it’s mighty cold.

All in all it’s been a sunny Easter Sunday, just as it should be.  Even if we are heading into winter and will be preparing ourselves tomorrow for a delivery of new wood for our woodpile.