More expert fencing

I sometimes wish that Bassets came with a full instruction manual. When I got my new power saw this week it came with full instructions on how it operates and what to look out for in terms of health and safety and when things go wrong. We got no such thing when...

Domestic Executive DIY

After much procrastination and trepidation I finally bit the bullet and turned Domestic Executive to Domestic Executive DIYer on some of my household building jobs. I’ve spent hours chatting up those lovely folks that work in the DIY stores and finaly bought my...

Black caps and other kiwi campaigns

Seems that the black caps are off to a reasonable start in their campaign of Cricket in England. It’s good to see the kiwi spirit of endeavour continues.Back here at home the news is riddled with conspiracy and intrigue with three investigations being launched...

Thistle harvest, basset style

As I was saying yesterday, Fortnum and Mason didn’t exactly bound up the drive with enthusiasm to help with the Thistle Harvest. They were stitting rather comfortably in the sun on the veranda but eventually curiosity got the better of them and they did make it...

Thistle harvest

This coming week the grounds work people are returning to finish the drive and spread the mountain of topsoil along the drive and in the top paddock. I figured it was time we harvested the thistles that have been growing beautifully all summer on our soil...